Copywriting & Blogging

Hahn Nguyen, Y'OUR Skincare
"I'm one of those who are so shy about telling their stories. I don't even have a LinkedIn and it feels like I'm less credible because of it. I'm determined to change that, and thank you for helping me. Thank you so much for the excellent work (as usual). I love the tone, it sounds very confident but not overly self-promoting."

The Contemporary Copywriter
Gone are the Mad Men days of a copywriter slamming out a one-liner for an advertisement, slamming down a mid-day cocktail, and clocking out for the day. Today's copywriter speaks as the voice of your brand, with a need to flex between quirky conversational quips and confident salesmanship.

"You are spot on with your blogs – my best measurement is Marga (business owner), and she does love every word you put on paper and so do the many people reading it – I see that on Google analytics."

Louis Grey, CoordiKids

What is copy?
The writing—the copy— tells a story: your story. Along with your graphics, photos, logo and sales gimmicks, copy fleshes out the full picture of your brand.
Your website copy is what will grab a user’s attention, introduce your products and services, tell potential customers exactly what makes your brand perfect, and finally, sell the product or service.

"You have done an absolutely brilliant job! Love what you've done with the copy."
Angelique, The Candle Deli

Get to the point.
A good copywriter understands three things: how to write, how to market, and how to play to the internet’s search algorithms (AKA, Search Engine Optimization or SEO).
That's why good copy will pay for itself with a strong ROI.

"High quality work, and always on time! Excellent content and research - the Spark team always delivers very informative articles for our customers."
Vito Hsu, Spring Naturals Pet Foods
Transparent Pricing
Projects range from 10-15 cents per word.
Pricing varies depending on:
Research time: if your industry is one in which a member of our team already has extensive knowledge, our research time is cut way down. Less time for us means less cost for you.
Project commitment: price breaks occur with a commitment of 4500+ words per month (roughly 3 blogs) and/or 6-month contracts.
Photo sourcing: if you'd like our team to contribute photos to illustrate the article, expect the pricing to reflect access to professional stock photos.
Publication: we are happy to access your website to publish the blogs for you! However, if you'd like to handle this yourself, you will enjoy a lower price point.
Estimate your pricing based on these typical project lengths:
~300 words
per pg
Contact us with your project ideas to get a personalized quote & proposal of ideas - no commitment until a contract is signed!

Meet the Team & Check Out Our Work
Topics We've Covered:
Beauty: Hair health, Skincare
Digital Marketing
Entertainment & Event Planning
Food, Wine & Restaurants
Herbalism & Botanicals
Interior Design & Home Decor
Industrial Organization, Warehouses
Neighborhood Guides
Office Supplies
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Pets, Dog Training, Veterinary Care
Plastic Surgery
Real Estate
Sustainability & Eco-friendly tips & products
Travel, Vacations
Web Design